Call for Subject Matter Experts, Medical Students/Professionals, and Mentors for evoHaX

Call for Subject Matter Experts, Medical Students/Professionals, and Mentors for evoHaX

As you all know, evoHaX - our 3rd Annual Hackathon on Assistive Technology is happening as part of the Philly Tech Week 2016 and everything is all set to go! This is our official call for Subject Matter Experts, Medical Students/Professionals and Mentors for evoHaX.

What is meant by a Subject Matter Expert?

A Subject Matter Expert is a person with a disability. The disability can be visible or invisible.

What is meant by a Medical Student/Professional?

A Medical Student/Professional is either a student or a professional therapist (Physical, Occupational, Recreational, Speech, etc.), nurse, aide, or a doctor. Students are required to be Freshmen or above.

What is meant by a Mentor?

A Mentor is a tech-savvy person willing to guide the students to use state-of-the-art tools and methods to work on their solution.

What does all this mean?

At each evoHaX, we randomly pair the teams with a person with a disability, a medical student/professional and a mentor. The teams work with the person with a disability to understand his abilities and limitations and develop something that could help that individual as well as others who face similar limitations. The medical students and professionals bring in great insight based on their knowledge of the medicine field whereas mentors guide the teams using their tech experience.

Do I need any particular set of skills?

No! You can have zero knowledge of technology or coding skills and you'd still be a perfect fit! We believe your insight and experiences, if combined with the tech skills of the participants, could result in a very universally designed solution.

What are the dates/times of evoHaX?

evoHaX is on Saturday 30th April to Sunday 1st May. You do not have to be present the entire time but we do ask you to be present at the start of the Hackathon on Saturday at 10am and the closing on Sunday at 3pm.

What are the perks?

All participants will get free breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and free breakfast and lunch on Sunday. There will be free beverages (Soda, Juice, Beers, Neurodrinks, Energy Drinks, etc.) as well as snacks throughout the Hackathon. Also, if your team is decided as the winner, you'll get an Amazon Echo. There's also a delegates prize, which is a Cheerwing Syma X5SW FPV Explorers2 for each member of the team and will be decided by the audience. Besides all that, there'll be xbox stations, BB-8 might make an appearance too, and tons of other stuff that will make it all an amazing experience.

Okay, great! How do I enroll myself for consideration?

Please fill out this form to be considered for participation.


Please email for any questions.

Created: 14 April, 2016

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