SCI Video Blog covers areas that have been difficult to traverse for people with spinal cord injuries through video tutorials and blog articles. With several videos catalyzing independence, SCI Video Blog offers a unique mode to assist people with their independent living. An individual can look up the videos and articles based on the injury level, injury completeness, ASIA level, gender and complications besides the general keyword search.
Multiple Language Support
The entire site is available in 80 languages and auto-translates the content based on your computer's language.
Closed Captioning
Nearly all videos have subtitles and some videos have subtitles in French and German, besides English as well.
Multiple Font Sizes
SCI Video Blog also provides three size options for large fonts to target people with vision impairment.
Blogs For All
Blog articles are up to date and target all wheelchair users with or without a spinal cord injury.
Mobile Site
Mobile website allows you to access the entire site, read blog posts and upload your video directly from your phone.
Award Nomination
Nominated for the Access Achievement Award 2014 organized by the Philadelphia's Mayor's Commission of Disabilities.
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